Tuesday 30 April 2013

Friendship sms collection

If luck is a raindrop,

I will send you a shower.

If hope is a minute,

I will send you an hour.

If happiness is a leaf,

I will give you a tree.

If you need a friend,

You already have me.
As long as we have memories,

Yesterday remains…

As long as we have hope,

Tomorrow awaits…

As long as we have Friendship,

Each day is never a waste…
Not every bird can dance,

But Peacock did that…

Not every flower can represent love,

But Rose did that…

Not every Friend can reach upto Heart,

But you did that…
Friendship is a network that needs:

No recharge!

No roaming!

No validity!

No activation!

No signal problems!

Just don’t switch off your Heart.!
A moment of joy spent

Under a willow,

The tear of eye that

Wets your pillow,

Sometimes pain


Sometimes pleasure

When given by Friends,

Both are treasure !
A friend is sweet when its new….

But it is sweeter when its TRUE!

But you know what?

Its sweetest when its you…

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